Friday, October 31, 2008


For Paige's first Halloween she was a butterfly! We spent most of the day going to visit people who wanted to see us in our costumes. She was such a good girl. We didn't see Grandma and Grandpa Hollebeek because Grandpa is back in the hospital but we took lots of pictures for him. All in all it was a good day and we are excited to actually go trick or treating next year.

Monday, October 27, 2008

8 Months

So Paige is now 8 months old, hard to believe, at least for Mike and me. She started to sprout a tooth last week Monday and looks like she is working on 3 more! She said her first word too. DADA. Mike is loving it. She is for sure a Daddy's girl. She gets so excited when he comes home from work. She is going to be a butterfly for Halloween and we will post some pics next week to show everyone. She has started to get up on her knees, she will be mobile before long. We are loving every minute of her!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Last week Monday I took Paige to get her ears pierced at the mall. I had been wanting to do it for a while but wasn't really sure where to take her. Someone told me that Claire's would do it so we went. They were going to do one at a time but I told them that they would only get one done if they didn't do both at once. She was all smiles all the way until they pierced them. She only cried for about a minute and then she went back in her stroller and we kept shopping. She has not touched them since and looks so cute!!!